JHRC Research

         According to the directors at the Mental Health Department of Public Social Services in Los Angeles, California, currently, the process to receive rape treatment includes the following: First, rape survivors must be diagnosed with a mental disorder such as Major Depression Disorder (MDD) and/or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  Second, and after the mental health classification, then, survivors are prescribed medications for MDD and/or PTSD.  The prescribed mental health drugs must be taken for at least six to eight weeks.  Third, with a mental health diagnosis and medications, then, rape survivors qualify to attend group rape counseling sessions.  Only the elite with private medical insurance and some university students that have been raped have direct access to traditional rape counseling treatments.  For example, UCLA and USC provide up to 13 sessions of rape counseling services; however, the students can only receive rape counseling if a police report is filed within five to seven days after the alleged rape incident.  UCLA and USC now provide rape counseling only after they were sued because of violent sexual crimes committed by convicted OB/Gyn doctors.  According to the Washington Post and Los Angeles Daily News in 2020, thousands of UCLA and USC employees and young university students were sexually assaulted and/or raped when visiting doctors for routine medical care.  We hypothesize and investigate if most counselors are specifically trained in rape trauma.  To measure the efficiently of current rape treatment modalities, we measure morning and evening saliva cortisol of rape survivors and corresponding control groups. The research and science team at the Jeanine Horowitz Research Center (JHRC) will also utilize evidence-based research to investigate and measure the effectiveness of traditional rape counseling versus rape trauma treatments that accompany modalities such as neurofeedback, EMDR, and Cognitive Behavior Therapy.  

            To successfully investigate and measure sexual assault and rape treatment modalities, we need help from the American people. Therefore, we launched the Teal Green Heart (TGH) initiative. The TGH initiative is a nationwide program designed to create a safe haven for survivors to have access to certified trauma advocates that are located at faith-based organization (FBO) throughout the United States. The Teal Green Heart symbol represents the international colors associated with sexual assault and traumatic brain injury (TBI); respectively, teal represents sexual assault awareness and green represents TBI awareness. To fund this national evidence-based research and advocacy initiative, we have implemented the TGH Skincare & Spa fundraisers. Americans can donate to help further rape research at www.JHRC.org and/or join the fundraising efforts at www.TealGreenHeart.org. The TGH Skincare & Spa provides organic skincare products, facials and back treatments, and eyelash extensions. All the proceeds support rape research.

          We are asking the general public to please complete the online survey available at www.TealGreenHeart.org.  We need all people, including those who have NOT been raped and/or sexual assaulted, and rape survivors too complete the survey.  Now, is the time for all men and women to complete the survey.  It is imperative we have data from people that have not experienced sexual assault or rape, so, we can compare the data to sexual assault and rape survivors. Our research team of neuroscience researchers, neurophysiologists, physicists, computer scientists, and rape trauma counselors collaborate and analyze the data.   We will provide to the general public all research outcomes via social media platforms and science journals. Right now, please donate at JHRC, attend TGH Skincare & Spa fundraisers, and complete the surveyMore information is available at www.JHRC.org or www.TealGreenHeart.org